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Homecare Resource Center


Articles & Insights

Resources for operating and managing homecare agencies efficiently and securely. Learn about homecare industry technology using the resources and tips found below.

Generations Overview Booklet

Check out the brief overview of features and functionalities and learn the benefits of using Generations Homecare System. Read more.

Recruit & Retain Quality Caregivers

Read our seven tips for finding and keeping quality caregivers. Additionally, find out how Investing in the best technology can lead to increased caregiver satisfaction and a reduction in caregiver turnover. Read more.

EVV 101

Improve care plan compliance, track care notes, reduce hospital readmissions, and more using Generations Electronic Visit Verification (EVV). Read more.

Selecting a Technology Solution

Are you in the process of researching homecare software vendors? If so, ask yourself these four questions to find the best solution for your business.  Read more.

Employment Documentation in Generations

Employment documentation is a key element of maintaining labor compliance, improving recruitment and retention, and making critical business decisions. Download our guide to details on the ways Generations helps streamline employment documentation. Download.

Ten Tips for New Agencies

Are you in the process of opening a new homecare agency? First, read our ten tips for new agency owners. This helpful guide will ensure you and your entire care team open successfully. Read more.

Healthcare Tech Outlook Magazine

Healthcare Tech Outlook named Generations a “Top 10 Home Healthcare Solutions.” Check out the cover story, featuring the Generations team and learn about the evolution of Generations Homecare System.

Homecare Associations

Generations Homecare System proudly sponsors homecare associations across the United States. Click here to learn more about state associations.

App Store Links

The Generations App is free for the entire care team. Download the Generations App today through Google Play, the App Store and Amazon.

*Requires existing Generations subscription.

Generations News and Industry Updates




Press Releases


Generations Introduces PayPLUS Interface
New COVID-19 Vaccination Tracking

“With the release of vaccination tracking, homecare administrators have an incredibly useful tool for managing care delivery during the COVID-19 public health emergency,”, stated Lance Ferden, Generations Homecare System Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer. Read the press release here.

Generations Introduces COVID-19 Caregiver Screening

We are committed to devloping the technology needed to keep caregivers and recipients of care safe .  Read the press release here.

New Reporting Functionality for Tracking Readmissions

Generations Homecare System Launches Ground-Breaking Functionality for Tracking and Preventing Hospital Readmissions. Read the press release here.


Press Releases - EVV Interfaces

Generations Introduces EVV Solution for Delaware
Generations Meets EVV Requirements for Medicaid in Alaska
Generations Introduces EVV Solution for Minnesota
New EVV Solution for New York Homecare Providers
Generations Introduces Additional EVV Solution for Florida
New EVV Solution for Wyoming Homecare Providers
Generations Meets EVV Requirements for Medicaid in Alabama
Generations Introduces EVV Solution for Nebraska
New EVV Solution for California Homecare Providers
Generations Meets EVV Requirements for Medicaid in Missouri
New Solution for Billing Medicaid in Washington
Generations Introduces EVV Solution for Oregon
Sandata Interface for Billing Medicaid in Ohio
Generations Interfaces with Netsmart for Billing Medicaid in Pennsylvania
New Interface for Billing Medicaid in Idaho
Generations Interfaces with Netsmart for Billing Medicaid in Virginia
New Interface for Billing Medicaid in North Carolina
Generations Interfaces with CareBridge for Billing Medicaid in New Jersey
New Interface for Billing Medicaid in Georgia
New Interface for Billing Medicaid in Colorado
New Sandata Interface for Billing in Wisconsin
New Sandata Interface for Billing in North Carolina
New Interface for Billing Medicaid in Connecticut
EVV Solution for Florida Providers

Generations Homecare System announced ongoing success with the EVV interface with Tellus and HHaExchange for homecare providers in Florida. Homecare providers that use Generations and bill Medicaid in Florida can meet the state’s Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirements and streamline their Medicaid billing process. Read the press release here.

New EVV Solution for Providers in New York

Generations Homecare System announced its EVV interface with eMedNY for homecare providers in New York. Homecare providers that use Generations and bill Medicaid in New York can meet the state’s Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirements. Read the press release here.

New EVV Solution for Providers in Maine

Generations Homecare System announced its EVV interface with Sandata for homecare providers in Maine. Homecare providers that use Generations and bill Medicaid in Maine can meet the state’s Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirements. Read the press release here.

New Arizona EVV Solution

Generations Homecare System announced its EVV interface with Sandata for homecare providers in Arizona. Homecare providers that use Generations and bill Medicaid in Arizona can meet the state’s Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirements. Read the press release here.

New Arkansas EVV Solution

Generations Homecare System announced its EVV interface with AuthentiCare for homecare providers in Arkansas. Homecare providers that use Generations and bill Medicaid in Arkansas can meet the state’s Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirements. Read the press release here.

New Interface for Billing Medicaid in Indiana

Generations clients in Indiana can now seamlessly bill Medicaid with Sandata and continue to meet the state’s regulatory requirements ahead of the "soft" Electronic Visit Verification implementation date of January 1, 2021.  Read the press release here.

New Interface for Billing Medicaid in Colorado

Generations clients in Colorado can now seamlessly bill Medicaid with Sandata and continue to meet the state’s regulatory requirements ahead of the Electronic Visit Verification implementation date.  Read the press release here.

New Sandata Interface for Medicaid Billing for the State of Rhode Island

Generations clients in Rhode Island can now bill Medicaid with Sandata.  Read the press release here.

New Sandata Interface for Medicaid Billing for the State of Pennsylvania

The industry-leading homecare software innovator enables homecare agencies in Pennsylvania to meet the state's EVV requirements for billing to Medicaid. Read the press release here.

In the News

Providing a Secure, All-In-One Solution for Homecare Providers Around the World

Check out Generations Homecare System Co-CEO and Co-Founder Lisa Ferden's interview with CEOCFO Magazine.

Data Hygiene: Keeping Records Accurate and Secure

In this issue of the Home Care Association of Florida's magazine, Florida at Home, we discuss the importance of ensuring secure and accurate records.

What Agencies Need to Know About Electronic Visit Verification

For state Medicaid, it's a new must-do. Click here to read HomeCare magazine's article.

New homecare reporting tool for readmissions tracking

Generations Homecare System unveiled new reporting functionality for tracking and demonstrating positive care outcomes and reduced readmissions. Click here to read HomeCare magazine's coverage of this new tool.

HomeCare magazine and Generations tackle homecare reimbursement

Vice President of Generations, Lisa Ferden, shared her expertise on homecare billing and reimbursement processes in the August edition of HomeCare magazine. Click here to read the article in full. 

How the Generations marketing team came together

The Generations marketing team sat down with Cahoots, a co-working space in Ann Arbor to chat about Generations and homecare marketing. Click here to read about the Team G marketing team.

Generations unveiled its hospitalization and ER report functionality

The revolutionary reporting feature uses state-of-the-art data visualization tools. Click here to read Healthcare Tech Outlook's coverage of the new tool.

Top 10 Home Healthcare Solution Companies - 2020

Generations Homecare System: All-in-one solution for streamlined homecare services. Click here to read Healthcare Tech Outlook's article.

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