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2024 Home Healthcare Conferences 

Home healthcare conferences are an excellent way to gain more information about changes and trends in the homecare industry, including new technology like homecare software. Conferences gather industry experts as speakers and panel leaders to educate attendees on a wide variety of topics, giving homecare business owners and managers actionable advice that can be used to grow your business and streamline processes.  We’ve gathered a list of home healthcare conferences here so you can explore the professional development opportunities that will work best for you. Please note: this list will be updated once more conference dates are announced. Generations Homecare System will be attending some of these conferences as well — subscribe to our newsletter for recaps, insights, and other industry news! 

National Home Healthcare Conferences in 2024 

National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) Home Care and Hospice Conference and Expo 

October 20-22, 2024 

NAHC meetings and conference educational sessions represent the most comprehensive selection of timely, quality programs on topics designed especially for the home care and hospice industry.  

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

Home Care Association of America (HCAOA) Annual Leadership Conference 

October 28-29, 2024  

The 2024 Annual Leadership Conference is your chance to learn the latest about current issues, innovative trends and the strategies you can implement back home to improve your organization. During the event, attendees will be immersed in the most updated business strategies, best practices, and opportunities to learn from industry leaders.  

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

DecisionHealth 26th Annual Private Duty National Conference & Expo 

November 18-20, 2024 

Join hundreds of private duty executives from top-performing agencies and hear real-world, first-hand success stories on how to differentiate your company, create quality standards, manage growth, and capture market share that lasts into the next decade. This conference and expo will cover real-life examples of how private duty home care agencies can recruit, diversify, and grow. 

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

State Association Home Healthcare Conferences in 2024 

Northeast Home Health Leadership Summit 

January 16-17, 2024 

Join homecare executives and decision makers from New England, New York and New Jersey for this two-day conference in Boston, MA. Learn about the latest trends and happenings in the Northeast.  

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

Texas Association for Homecare and Hospice Winter Conference 

February 21-22, 2024 

Join fellow Texas homecare and hospice industry professionals for two days full of networking, education, and advocacy. 

Association for Home & Hospice Care of North Carolina, Inc.  

April 7-9, 2024 

This conference gathers homecare providers from North Carolina for their conference in Raleigh, NC. Industry experts from across the United States will join to share their experience and insights. 

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

Indiana Association for Home and Hospice Care, Inc. Annual Conference 

April 16-17, 2024  

The Indiana Association for Home & Hospice Care (IAHHC) is the voice of Indiana’s home care providers. Complete session descriptions and online registration can be found on the conference webpage.   

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

Missouri Alliance for Home Care Annual Conference 

April 24-26, 2024  

This is Missouri’s largest trade platform representing the interests and concerns of home health agencies, home care companies, hospices, and private duty companies.  

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

Home Care Association of Washington Annual Conference 

April 28-30, 2024  

HCAW’s Annual Conference is the premier event to learn about upcoming changes to the in-home services industry, discover the newest trends and innovations, and connect with others.  

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

Home Care Association of New York State Annual Conference 

May 8-10, 2024  

This conference offers enrichment in areas of organizational development, leadership, strategic planning, and more—plus networking and a long-awaited, well-deserved celebration of New York’s home care community and its tremendous fortitude demonstrated over the last several years.  

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

Michigan HomeCare & Hospice Association Annual Conference 

May 8-10, 2024  

The Michigan HomeCare & Hospice Association’s Annual Conference attracts a wide variety of home health, hospice, palliative care, private duty, HME/Infusion administrators, financial officers, billers, owners and clinicians from private, public and not-for-profit home care environments.  

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

Maryland-National Capital Homecare Association

May 14, 2024  

The Maryland National Capital Homecare Association will convene for professional development, learning, and networking among colleagues and friends.  

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

Home Care Association of Colorado Annual Conference

May 14-15, 2024  

This annual event offers continuing education, practice information, and legislative updates for HHAC members and other Home Care, Home Health and Hospice professionals in the Rocky Mountain region. Education sessions are designed to be applicable to all sectors and levels of the profession and will provide the latest techniques and trends as well as basic skills. 

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

Pennsylvania Homecare Association Conference 

May 15-17, 2024  

The Pennsylvania Homecare Association is a state trade association representing nearly 700 organizations that provide care and support to individuals in their own homes. PHA has assembled a cast of experts to present at their conference. Check out this year’s conference schedule, taking place at the “sweetest place on earth.” 

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

California Association for Health Services at Home  

May 20-23, 2024  

The Annual Conference & Expo is a highly respected, well-attended event that provides outstanding educational sessions as well as numerous networking opportunities for home care & hospice providers. Attendees can expect to receive information on industry issues during educational sessions, connect with colleagues and friends, and meet with industry vendors. 

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

Kentucky Home Care Association Annual Conference 

August 14-15, 2024  

KHCA aims to bring together those who strive to improve the lives of those who receive in-home care. The annual conference is the perfect place to connect with like-minded individuals and learn from informational sessions. 

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

South Dakota Association of Healthcare Providers Annual Conference 

September 25-27, 2024  

Serving as the voice for South Dakota’s hospitals and healthcare organizations encompassing the full continuum of care, the South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) represents a diverse membership with the goal of ensuring the highest quality of health care for South Dakotans. 

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

Connecticut Association for Healthcare at Home Annual Conference

October 24, 2024 

Elevate your team’s leadership expertise at the conference designed to bring together professionals from across the state. Discuss the latest trends, network with industry colleagues, and learn from informational sessions. 

Click here for details from the host and for details on registration. 

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