
HHAeXchange Acquires

Generations Homecare System

Generations Customer FAQ

Why is HHAeXchange acquiring Generations Homecare System?

  • Over the last 20 years, Generations has focused on building an all-in-one homecare agency management software solution that gives our customers the ability to connect care teams, simplify daily tasks, and maintain compliance. We are proud of what we have built and are excited to embark on the next chapter in the Generations journey. 
  • Generations and HHAeXchange share a passion for homecare and the critical role purpose-built software plays in this rapidly growing industry. By joining forces, we are tapping into a wealth of new resources and expertise that will enable us to better meet the needs of our customers.  

What does HHAeXchange do?

  • HHAeXchange is a leading homecare software company that for over 16 years, has helped thousands of homecare providers achieve operational efficiency, increase compliance, and improve health outcomes. 
  • The company is a well-known entity in the Medicaid LTSS space with deep state and payer relationships, as well as a talented team of individuals with extensive home and community-based services (HCBS) knowledge. 

What does this acquisition mean for me?

  • HHAeXchange’s mission is to enable caregivers, families, providers, and payers to deliver the best care in the home. By coming together, we will further our joint goal to deliver an unmatched software platform for all homecare stakeholders, ultimately enhancing the value we deliver to our customers. We are confident our customers will find tremendous value in our joining forces with HHAeXchange 
  • That said, there will be no changes for our customers for the foreseeable future. You will continue to use the software you are familiar with and work with the same team members who remain committed to your success. Our top priority is supporting you and continuing to innovate our solutions to best meet your needs. 

Will I continue to use the same product(s) and services?

  • Yes. Generations customers will continue to use the same software they’ve been using. 
  • As Generations integrates with HHAeXchange and Cashé in the months to come, you’ll see greater innovation and product enhancements that will meet your needs in new and better ways. 
  • We will retain the Generations brand for the foreseeable future. 

Will I continue to work with the same people?

  • You’ll continue to work with the same, familiar Generations team members who remain fully committed to supporting you.

Does this news have any effect on Generations team members?

  • The Generations team will report to Praba Manivasager, former Cashé President and homecare technology veteran who is now leading a dedicated business unit within HHAeXchange 
  • Lisa Ferden (Co-Founder and COO) and Lance Ferden (Co-Founder and CTO) will remain involved in Generations and play a key advisory role for several months, ensuring a smooth transition.