March 17th, 2021

Added payor filter to EVV Schedules and report (382372). 837P Fix for date range in 2400 Loop to use RD8 (431312). Added Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca to the vaccine list (432102). Implemented fixes for the continue working prompt when user session is about to...

Software Update Feb 24, 2021

State Interface Updates West Virginia interface with HHAX is now available (432282,432073) Misc updates and fixes for Carebridge, Authenticare, and Sandata Tickets: 431814,431922, 432341,432243,431697,431701,431812,432322,432327 eMedNY support for rate code mapping....

Software Update 2/11/2021

COVID-19 vaccination tracking includes fields for vaccination refused and reason (431931). Vaccination tracking – fixed report writer displaying second vaccination date in both date fields (431931). Fix for conflict overriding on mobile app (430667). Sandata...

Software Update 2/2/2021

TTS Alert column sorting on EVV Schedules page (431054). Other minor fixes. Cancelled shift handling for different payors and EVV (431996). Non EVV tasks to be included with EVV on agency discretion (431991). Sandata fix for ME/IN states to include EffectiveStartDate...