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Tim Higgins of Neeny Holdings, Inc. joined us for an interview covering his experience getting started with Generations Homecare System. The care team at Neeny Holdings, Inc. has been utilizing the unlimited support and one-on-one training offered to every homecare agency that uses Generations. We’re so grateful Tim took the time to share his experience working with the Generations support and training team.


Read on for the transcript of the interview, and don’t miss the video of the interview below.


#1. Tell us about how and when you got started in homecare.
I just launched my agency last year in 2020. I spent most of my career in the corporate environment and, after yet another round of job eliminations where I had to deliver bad news to hardworking people, I decided I wanted to do something more fulfilling. My mom had had a stroke and was in-home care in the late stages of her life and some caregivers were great and some were less than great. I have a great deal of respect for seniors and I wanted to create a company that treats seniors like royalty they are. You work your whole life and raise your kids, help with the grandkids, and do all this stuff to what? Just sit there by yourself? What if you lose your spouse? Then you could be isolated and alone. So what I am really looking for is building an agency that when a caregiver comes in, there is a level of care there that you would personally give your grandmother or grandfather.


#2. What are your goals for using a homecare system like Generations? 
I know that when most people start a business they spend a bit of time looking at what their passion is and they work on that about a 1/3rd of the time and the rest is spent on billing/invoicing etc. So, looking into Generations, I found that it really could help manage a lot for me on the back end of the business so I can spend my energy on the customer experience as well as training my caregivers to provide a level of service that the clients deserve. I am impressed how Generations makes the office side of things much more seamless.

“I am impressed how Generations makes the office side of things much more seamless.”

#3. How has the training process been so far?
It has been great. My trainer has been very patient with me as my business has slowly ramped up. Rosie has been awesome! At first, I didn’t have any clients yet but she would check in with me every couple of weeks to see if I was ready. I told her that I wanted to learn as I needed to add clients and she was so patient with me. She has given me a lot of encouragement not only around the product/system but in general as an agency owner. So, It has really felt like a true partnership.  Several people within the Generations family have reached out to see if I needed help and the support has been uplifting. Starting a business is hard. Having people in your corner is important.


#4. Are there any areas of Generations that you have found particularly helpful?

The ability to connect Generations and Quickbooks has been a huge time saver. So when I create an invoice, it can go into Quickbooks, record in QB, send the invoice and if the customer decides to choose to pay online, I can collect and that is saving me time on trips to the post office, buying stamps, etc. It really isn’t just one thing, it is evident that the people who built and designed the system understand the business of providing care. I talked to one of the founders early on when I was considering the product, she had talked about the fact that her mom had run a homecare agency and they really tried to build the software in a way that was relevant to her experience and it absolutely shows in the final product.

“The ability to connect Generations and Quickbooks has been a huge time saver.”

#5. What has been your favorite part about the support and training offered by Generations?

It’s really Rocely.. she has been great. Her cheerful approach and patience have really helped me. She has been my partner through all of this and I really feel like she is someone who cares about business the way I do. It really translates to the message of when I try to hire a caregiver who cares about the business the way I do and care for the seniors the way I do, and NOW I am working with a partner who cares for the business the way I do. Honestly, it is Rocely and the other members from Generations that I worked with and talked to. There is definitely a culture that has been build within the organization and it is an impressive company from where I sit.


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