On any typical day, homecare providers have enormous responsibility. Add emergencies or inclement weather and the stakes of the already demanding job of coordinating care become even greater. Having the right technology and systems in place before emergencies occur is the best way to ensure you’re prepared and that your clients and their families are safe.

Generations features to use in weather emergencies:

  • Mapping: Use built in Google Maps to see clients that are located in areas affected by weather events. Schedule care and follow ups accordingly.
  • Caregiver Search: the Caregiver Search tool includes built in Google Maps, use this to find caregivers who are closest to clients needing assistance.
  • Wellness: Build a set of emergency preparedness Wellness questions for caregivers to complete as you work to prepare your clients for inclement weather. A few example questions: Is the client evacuating? How many gallons of water are in the home? How many oxygen tanks are in the home? Is a backup generator available?
  • Secure Messaging: Communicate efficiently and securely with caregivers in the field.
  • Request Available Shift: Add available shifts for clients needing extra assistance. Caregivers can use their mobile apps to request those available shifts. When a caregiver requests a shift, the scheduler will approve the request and easily add to the client’s schedule.


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Did you know? The National Council on Aging can give you access to a custom disaster preparedness plan and a list of available resources. Click here to generate a custom disaster preparedness plan.

The Generations team is dedicated to helping you and your team leverage the best technology to deliver rapid and compassionate care. If you’re a current Generations user, contact your Customer Success Manager or Trainer, they can assist you with setting up Wellness questions to meet your agency’s needs. Contact us via Live Chat or email: info@homecaresoftware.com

Not using Generations yet? Generations Product Specialist are standing by to demonstrate how Generations Wellness will help your agency stay responsive and adaptable, no matter what the day brings. Contact us via Live Chat or email: sales@homecaresoftware.com