Vice President of Generations, Lisa Ferden, shared her expertise on homecare billing and reimbursement processes in the August edition of HomeCare magazine. Lisa is an industry professional with over 25 years in homecare. Therefore, she understands the importance of expedience as it relates to revenue cycles. For this reason, she has dedicated the past 17 years to developing technology and practices that assist providers in streamlining their reimbursement processes.

“The biggest challenge agencies face today in regards to billing electronically is managing non-standardized formats and payers’ unique requirements.”

-Lisa Ferden

Click here to visit HomeCare magazine’s site to read the article in full.

A preview of the HomeCare magazine article.

Lisa Ferden’s article on electronic billing and homecare reimbursement. As seen in the August 2019 issue of HomeCare magazine.

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About Generations: The entire Generations team is committed to the promise of providing exceptional technology. As a result, careful attention to the usability and intuitiveness of the product is always at the forefront. Today, Generations Homecare System is used by hundreds of homecare providers throughout nine international markets. Each day, nearly one hundred thousand caregivers, and just as many clients receiving care, rely on Generations.