We’re thrilled to announce that Healthcare Tech Outlook magazine has named Generations Homecare System a “Top 10 Solution Provider” for the home healthcare industry.

The magazine also recognized us as, “the premier choice for global homecare providers” for the innovative, secure, and easy to use technology solution we provide for homecare providers.

“With the onset of affordable and straightforward technology, it has become easier to support home healthcare services to engage with the patients and monitor their well-being. Without a second thought, technology has demonstrated the ability to provide higher standards of home-based healthcare.”


-Healthcare Tech Outlook | March 13, 2019

We owe our success to our longtime clients and to the hardworking employees that make up the fabulous Team G.

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Click here to schedule a demonstration with a Generations Product Specialist. During your conversation you’ll discover the ways Generations leads the industry in areas such as electronic billing technology and homecare reimbursement.

About Generations: The entire Generations team is committed to the promise of providing exceptional technology. As a result, careful attention to the usability and intuitiveness of the product is always at the forefront. Today, Generations Homecare System is used by hundreds of homecare providers throughout nine international markets. Each day, nearly one hundred thousand caregivers, and just as many clients receiving care, rely on Generations.